Ham Radio Info Cards

I have made up some business-size card that has reference information you could use in the field. Like how to manually program frequencies for simplex and repeater or Radio frequencies for your Ares/Races.

These are FREE Google word files for anyone who wants them. Just do these simple steps so you can modify them yourself

  1. click on the link below for the one you want.
  2. Do FILE then Make A Copy and snd select Entire presentation, and give it the name you want to call it, then select Make A Copy.

After you have done Make A Copy, you can modify it for your specific information.

NOTE: when you get ready to print your card, make sure that Scale% is set to Actual Size

BF-F8HP for manual setup Simplex Frequency

BF-F8HP for manual setup Repeater Frequency

FTM 300dr for manual setup Repeater Frequency

FTM 300dr for manual setup Simplex Frequency

Hillsborough FT2d Ares/Races Emergency Frequencies

Hillsborough AresRaces PSO Email Addresses

I hope you enjoy them…..

KM4VRZ, 73