Justice Department asks Supreme Court to overturn domestic violence gun ruling.

The appeals court said people under domestic violence restraining order retain Second Amendment rights

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Montana AG to sue Biden administration over gun executive order

Republican Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen is prepping a lawsuit against the Biden administration over its gun violence executive order, saying the president “should know better” than to enact “draconian gun control measures.”

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Ham Radio Field Comm Recommendations


Here below you will find the PDF file listing the different Ham radios recommended for Field comms.

Gaston Gonzalez, The Tech Prepper – KT1RUN [QRZ] produces regular videos on practical preparedness. He is currently focusing on emergency communications for grid-down scenarios.

This was complied by KM4VRZ based on Videos by TheTechPrepper, on YouTube.

NOTE: I did this because I was trying to figure out what radio I may want to use for field comms for myself. There was so much information from The Tech Prepper I finally made a list. and decide to share it with you.

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Here are more statistics from the UN, CDC, Justice Department, and FBI on Gun-related deaths

gun control

Well according to the CDC, cars, poisonings, and even swimming account for annual deaths of those deaths by firearms, in particular when it applies to children. In fact, less than 70 deaths for kids under the age of 15 were due to accidental firearm use and when will look at all firearm deaths for children, the data proves more die from accidental drowning than being killed by a firearm. Now I know the focus is on assault rifles, but this truth is feculent.

What is confusing is that more than 66% of all gun deaths in the US are suicides – according to the UN, CDC, and FBI. Secondly, although there are more than 200 million rifles and shotguns owned by American citizens, 75 percent of the murders in the Americas (suicides not included) are committed with handguns with 4 percent and 5 percent being committed with rifles and shotguns respectively. These are FBI and Justice Department figures aggregated from state and local police affiliates. And I won’t say that the FBI also notes that more people are killed by bats and rifles combined.

This was from an article by Torrance Stephens at ThyBlackMan.com on March 1, 2023. Here is the link to that article: Gun Control in America: A Nation of Pet Rocks Governed and Schooled By Bricks. : ThyBlackMan.com

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