UK banned guns now there banning knifes !


Well we think banning guns here in the United States will stop the killing of people, kids and we as 2A advocates have stated that will not solve the problem.

Take a look at the UK and what has changed on gun banning, You will see that now guns have been replaced with knives and sharp instruments and now by banning knives will resolve the problem.

Watch the below video:

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193 countries and we in the United States are 3rd in gun violence.

Stop Gun Violence

Listen to this. You will be surprised we could be 189th see how.

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Constitution 101

We as a nation have forgot what our country was built upon. Here is a chance for a refresher, Hilldale College is now offering a FREE online class called “Constitution 101”.

Check it out below.

Hillsdale College “Constiution 101”

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52% of American Homes Own Guns!

Watch this report by Tom Grieve from NBC.

24% increase Democrat’s owning Guns and a 70% increase of Blacks owning Guns

Go to Tom Grieve YouTube site for more information like this and more…

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Why doesn’t Egypt, Arabia, Jordan and other surrounding counties not taking in Palestinians to get them out of harms way?

fight for your freedom

Why does Israelis have to take on the responsibility of protecting the Gaza Palestinians?

When the Palestinians overwhelming give 80% approval of Iran and the Hamas and what they are doing.

Maybe that is why these surrounding countries don’t what to open up there borders to the Palestinians people. Because they are terrorist as well.

If the Palestinian people really what to be FREE the they need to take up arms against the Hamas and fight for there freedom.

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