I have made up some business-size card that has reference information you could use in the field. Like how to manually program frequencies for simplex and repeater or Radio frequencies for your Ares/Races and others.

These are FREE Google slide files for anyone who wants them. Just do the simple steps below so you can modify them yourself.
- Click on the card you want below.
- Do FILE then Make A Copy select Entire presentation, and give it the name you want to call it, then select Make A Copy.
After you have done Make A Copy, you can modify it for your specific information.
NOTE: when you get ready to print your card, make sure that Scale% is set to Actual Size. Then Cut and Laminate.
- BF-F8HP for manual setup Simplex Frequency
- BF-F8HP for manual setup Repeater Frequency
- FTM 300dr for manual setup Repeater Frequency
- FTM 300dr for manual setup Simplex Frequency
- FTM-300dr Setting power level (TXPWR)
- Hillsborough FT2d Ares/Races Emergency Frequencies
- Hillsborough AresRaces PSO Email Addresses
- RTS System – Front
- RTS System – Back
- APRS Cheat Sheet
- Field jungle Antenna Card
- Local Frequencies
- FT2d Manually setup Simplex Frequency – Front
- FT2d Manually setup Repeater Frequency – Back
- Hillsborough AresRaces Emergency Frequencies
- Polk AresRaces Emergency Frequencies
- Yeasu VX-6R: Program Repeater
- Yeasu VX-6R: Save to Memory
- Weather report to your radio using WXBOT (US only)
- Weather reports to your radio using WXYO (Worldwide)
- TTP APRS Message Group and PDF Document
- Baofeng UV-#R series for Manual Setup Simplex Frequency
- Baofeng UV-#R series for Manual Setup Repeater Frequency
- FT-857D Power settings and V/M, Display lamp mode, Color, Dimmer
- FT-857D Program Repeater, Save to Memory, Digital Settings, ATAS-120A, VHF/UHF & HF settings
- FT-857 Lakeland Frequencies and Memory #
- BTech UV-25X2 Lakeland Frequencies and Memory #
- FT-891 System Menu Operation, Memory Operation, Digital Operation, Digital Settings, Linux DigiRig Settings, Linux DigiRig Settings
I hope you enjoy them…..
KM4VRZ, 73
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