Florida House Bill 1087 Storage of Firearms in Motor Vehicles or Vessels

An act relating to storage of firearms in motor 3 vehicles or vessels; creating s. 790.176, F.S.; 4 providing definitions; providing requirements for 5 storage of firearms and ammunition in motor vehicles 6 or vessels; providing criminal penalties; providing an effective date. 

Florida Bill 1087 (PDF)

Where might these individuals be seeking firearms? My initial guess would be areas displaying signs such as:

Signs for “Gun-Free Zones” often include variations of the following wording:

  1. “Gun-Free Zone”
  2. “No Firearms Allowed”
  3. “Weapons Are Prohibited on These Premises”
  4. “No Guns Allowed Beyond This Point”
  5. “The Possession of Firearms or Weapons Is Prohibited”
  6. “Pursuant to [State Code/Ordinance], Firearms Are Not Allowed Here”

These signs may also include:

  • A red circle with a diagonal slash over a gun icon.
  • Specific legal references (e.g., a state law or local ordinance).
  • Language clarifying exceptions (e.g., “Law Enforcement Personnel Exempt”).

When these signs are displayed, they signal to criminals that they face no immediate danger at this location. Additionally, they create an environment where many firearms must be stored in vehicles, providing criminals with an easy opportunity to steal weapons and act without resistance.

How many firearms are in Florida?

Registered Firearms: As of 2021, Florida had 518,725 registered firearms, ranking second in the nation behind Texas.

Household Gun Ownership: Approximately 35.3% of adults in Florida reside in homes with guns.

How many CCW licenses are there in Florida?

As of December 31, 2024, Florida has issued approximately 2.64 million concealed weapon or firearm licenses. [fdacs.gov

This figure includes both resident and non-resident permits. Notably, Florida was the first state to surpass 2 million concealed carry permits. (usconcealedcarry.com)

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of women obtaining concealed weapons licenses in Florida. As of February 28, 2023, one-third of the license holders are women. (wusf.org)

It’s important to note that Florida enacted a permitless carry law in 2023, allowing legal residents to carry concealed firearms without a permit. Despite this, many residents continue to obtain permits, often to carry in other states with reciprocity agreements. (foxnews.com)

In my opinion, we should take the following actions:

  1. Remove gun-free zone signage: These signs effectively create open arenas for criminals, signaling where firearms are likely to be present and leaving law-abiding citizens defenseless.
  2. Reduce restrictions for CCW permit holders: Individuals who have been vetted and issued a concealed carry license should face minimal restrictions on where they can carry their firearms. By allowing them to keep their firearms on their person rather than storing them in vehicles or vessels, we could drastically reduce the number of firearms stolen from these locations.

Criminals, by definition, do not abide by our state laws. Restrictive policies do not stop them but instead hinder law-abiding citizens’ constitutional right to bear arms and their ability to protect themselves.

Let’s stand together to protect our freedoms!

Call 202-224-3121 to find your representative.

Contact Me: [email protected]

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Revoke Gun Free Zones

Wayne Thorn

The 2025 Wyoming House Bill HB0172 is currently progressing toward approval, and if it passes, it has the potential to spark a ripple effect across the nation.

While there are certain aspects of the bill that I believe could be improved or adjusted, its overall objective is a step in the right direction. The bill aims to reduce restrictions on law-abiding Americans with concealed carry permits, ensuring they are not unfairly limited by the numerous locations currently designated as gun-free zones.

I strongly encourage everyone to reach out to their state government representatives and advocate for similar legislation in our own states. By doing so, we can work toward creating policies that respect the rights of responsible gun owners while promoting public safety.

Here is a link to the Bill: Click Here

My Letter to the Governor of Florida

Dear Governor Ron DeSantis,

I would like you to review the 2025 Wyoming House Bill HB0172, which seeks to eliminate gun-free zones, and evaluate whether we could implement something similar here in Florida. It’s worth exploring how such legislation might enhance safety and whether it aligns with the needs and values of our state.

The concept of a “Gun-Free Zone” is intended to create safe spaces where firearms are prohibited, but in practice, it can often have unintended consequences. Many argue that posting such zones can inadvertently signal vulnerability to individuals intent on causing harm. Instead of deterring violent actions, these signs may be perceived as an invitation, suggesting a lack of immediate resistance.

For example, designating schools as gun-free zones has not prevented tragic mass shootings from occurring. These areas are often targeted because the likelihood of encountering armed opposition is significantly reduced. This has raised critical questions about whether such policies genuinely enhance safety or if they create environments that unintentionally attract those with malicious intent.

To address this issue, many advocate for alternative solutions, such as implementing stronger security measures, allowing trained personnel to carry firearms, and investing in mental health resources to address the root causes of violence. The debate is complex, but one thing is clear: simply declaring an area a gun-free zone is not enough to ensure the safety of those within it. A multifaceted approach is needed to protect vulnerable spaces effectively and to prevent future tragedies. 

Thank you for your consideration,

Dr. Cecil Wayne Thorn

My Thought

The only way to fully restore our firearm rights is to ensure that our state government representatives understand where we stand. We must demand the removal of unnecessary restrictions and advocate for the complete restoration of our Second Amendment rights. It’s time to take a firm stand and remind our leaders that these rights are fundamental to our freedom and security.

Write To Me: [email protected]

