This video will give you information on how to get weather reports using APRS.
WXBOT (US-only weather reports) for additional Info.
WXYO ( Worldwide weather reports) for additional Info.
US frequency 144.390 and the TO: field will be either WXBOT or WXYO and the BODY of the message will use one of the body text below.
WXBOT commands
Weather for today | today |
Weather for tomorrow | tomorrow |
Weather for the day of the week | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday |
Weather by Zipcode | 5 -digit zip code |
Weather by Airport | 3-character airport code (example: TPA) |
WXYO commands
NOTE: Can also use all of the body text of WXBOT as well.
3-hour weather report | 3 |
6-hour weather report | 6 |
9-hour weather report | 9 |
Reference Cards
Weather reports to your radio using WXBOT (US only)
Weather reporting to your radio using WXYO (Worldwide)
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